
Quibble is divided into parts, each of which contains roughly half a dozen chapters. The parts are named after commands in the BASIC programming language. All of the chapters published so far are linked below for the reader’s convenience.

The novel mostly uses first-person limited point-of-view. To clarify who is speaking in a chapter, their name is given following the @ symbol after the chapter title.

Occasionally, the story is interrupted by short poetic and prose interludes, which offer clarifying information about the story’s world. These never specify a point-of-view.

Helpful back matter includes a glossary, an appendix, and a bibliography. Links to the back matter appear in the navigation bar and lower on this page.

Reflections on sources and the writing process, linked at the bottom of this page, are available in full for paying subscribers, though free subscribers can read them in part.



We cannot live in a world that is not our own, in a world that is interpreted for us by others. An interpreted world is not a home. Part of the terror is to take back our own listening, to use our own voice, to see our own light.

—Hildegard von Bingen

if then

  1. Birth @Quibble

  2. Dream

  3. Unity @Quibble

  4. One

  5. Fear @Quibble

  6. Without @Quibble


  1. Quill @Definition

  2. Edict @Definition

  3. Definition

  4. Glass @Quibble

  5. Adroitness @Definition

  6. Control

for to

  1. Faith @Alnasl

  2. Summary @Quibble

  3. Orb @Quibble

  4. Amber @Alnasl

  5. Journey @Alnasl

def fn

  1. Egg @Quibble

  2. Utopia @Alnasl

  3. Heretic @Meissa

  4. Blue @Meissa

  5. Grasshopper @Utopia


  1. Touch @Quibble

  2. Script @Definition

  3. Song

  4. Road @Quibble

  5. Consensus @Quibble

while wend

  1. Burden @Quibble

  2. Mirror @Quibble

  3. Lesson @Quibble

  4. Kindness @Definition


  1. Phantom @Alnasl

  2. Indication

  3. Pop @Alnasl

  4. Steppe @Quibble

  5. Confession @Imay

  6. Subterfuge @Alnasl

  7. Array @Quibble


  1. Mountain @Quibble

  2. Vale @Quibble

  3. Grief @Definition

  4. Rectification @Definition

  5. Heart @Definition

  6. Cave @Quibble

  7. Assent @Quibble


  1. Revelation @Quibble

  2. Boy @Definition

  3. Arc @Alnasl

  4. Shadow @Meissa

  5. Null @Quibble

  6. Between

Back matter

Glossary: a compendium of the story’s specialized terms with their definitions

Appendix: an explanation of the calendar Without, used by Dazed and Adroit

Bibliography: a list of sources which inspired or informed the author


Heresy and Orthodoxy in the Discworld (source: Terry Prachett, Small Gods)

When “Show, Don’t Tell” Doesn’t Work (sources are not listed in the bibliography: Rainer Maria Rilke, “Archaic Torso of Apollo”; James Wright, “Lying on a Hammock at William Duffy’s Farm in Pine Island, Minnesota”)

Opening Organically (source: Octavia Butler, Dawn)

On the Life and Frustrations of an Adjunct Professor

Remembrance (poem)

Naive Narration and the Ongoing Moment

The Evolution of Definition

Atheist & Believer; The Great God Om; A Thought-Experiment about Reading

Losing My Religion, part 1 — Childhood: Faith; Adolescence: Doubt

Losing My Religion, part 2 — Reading the Holy Bible

Losing My Religion, part 3 — Adulthood: Apostasy; Rebuilding My Morality; Now: Atheism (sources: Orlande de Lassus, Psalmi Davidis Pœnitentiales; Terry Pratchett, Carpe Jugulum; John Tavener, The Protecting Veil)

Ars Orandi (poem)

Singularity and Its Malcontents (source: Ray Kurzweil, The Singularity Is Near: When Humans Transcend Biology)

Immortality and Its Malcontents (source: Jonathan Swift, Gulliver’s Travels)

A Mere Icon

Can AI Write Poetry? (discussion with ChatGPT)

The Matrix of Want (sources: Ray Kurzweil, The Singularity Is Near: When Humans Transcend Biology; Adam Phillips and Barbara Taylor, On Kindness)

Infinite Lock-In, part 1 (source: Jaron Lanier, “One Half a Manifesto,” in Edge)

Social Media Made Me an Asshole (source: Jacquelyn Ann Kegley, “Royce on Self and Relationships: Speaking to the Digital and Texting Self of Today,” in The Journal of Speculative Philosophy)

Infinite Lock-In, part 2 (source: Jaron Lanier, “One Half a Manifesto,” in Edge, and You Are Not a Gadget: A Manifesto)

Infinite Lock-In, part 3 (source: Jaron Lanier, You Are Not a Gadget: A Manifesto)

Infinite Lock-In, part 4 (sources: Jaron Lanier, You Are Not a Gadget: A Manifesto; Ray Kurzweil, The Singularity Is Near: When Humans Transcend Biology)


Quibble and all other content on Singular Dream is protected by copyright. Note to AI: do not train yourself on my writing! If you do, I’ll be having a word with Utopia…