Appreciate you, Joshua. Let me know how I can help you if you ever need it. No response required.

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I will think on that, Arthur. I've learned not to discount offers of help. Meanwhile, though, I'm pleased you subscribed, and I hope you enjoy what you read!

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Your efforts are hugely appreciated by us Sci-Fi fiction writers still working on the fringes of Sunstack... I know how much work this is and I am grateful you somehow find the energy to do it every week.

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Thank you! It's not too much trouble, now that I have a system down.

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Please add me, thanks!

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You're on the tag list now, Morgan! Welcome to the madness!

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Would you mind removing me from the tag list?

I tagged a couple people months and months ago one time since I had a sci-fi-adjacent essay and have slowly gotten swept up in the notification vortex. Haven't participated since, but now that this is more centralized I'm getting slammed with notifications (I don't mean to complain, I love seeing the spec-fic community organize). Great effort here overall and I hope Sci-Fridays continue to be a slamming success.


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Sure, Eric, I've taken you off now. Sorry to see you go, but I understand about not wanting to be slammed with notifications. Best wishes!

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Can i be added to the list?

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Sure, I’ll add you! I can’t do more editing and rerelease the tag list today — no time left, and I don’t want to confuse folks — but you’ll be on the list next Friday.

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Sure next week it is.

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You're on the list now, Karla.

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Hey! I want to opt out of the list. I would appreciate it if you could do this as soon as possible. Thank you in advance.

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OK, Isha, you're off the list. Sorry if you get any more unwanted posts ... that may happen for a while.

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Thanks for the prompt response.

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If I may make a suggestion, it's easier to tag people by substack names rather than real names, because substack names are unique and do not need disambiguation.

For example, instead of @Alex S. Garcia, tag @xenin.

I'll try to make a substack-name based list as I go through the disambiguation and post it.

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I tried that already. In fact, it was the first thing I tried when I had trouble disambiguating folks in the list I got from Andy. Substack recognized some unique handles, didn’t recognize others. I saw it was going to be a lot of trouble and I wouldn’t be able to include everyone using the same method, which I dislike — it’s confusing.

Another difficulty for what I’m doing is what happens when you tag: enter a unique handle, it links, Substack changes it to the person’s name. So if I used unique handles in the text file, I’d have a lot of handles I couldn’t easily check against a list of names with links to see who’s there and who’s not. Forget about alphabetizing to make it easy to find someone!

Brian, it’s an elegant solution and I wish it worked without a hitch, but there are hitches and for such a long list I only see it increasing my workload and frustration. Thanks for the thought.

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Thanks for including me, and for all your efforts here! This will be so much easier.

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I'd like to opt-in, and plan to post some stories whenever I have free stories I haven't plugged!

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Adding you now, Brian. Good luck with your forthcoming stories!

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All right, Kenneth, you're on the list.

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I would like to be included for I love Science Fiction and write a bunch of different science fiction stuff, but I have been a Substack lurker for awhile and only now am trying to get it going again. I will have to learn more about Sci-Friday and what it means/requires. But I am writing SciFi and would like to be included.

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You're on the list, Andrew!

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I’d like to be added please. Thanks for doing all this work!

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You're on the list now, CP!

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I’ll add you in the morning when I’m up and back on the laptop. Will drop a note then to let you know it’s done.

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I don't write much sci fi yet but I'm SO here for communal efforts.

Add me, please and thank you 🥴

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You're on the list now!

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Glad to be on the list already!

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For this mechanism to work without breaking down in a similar way to before, it's imperative that every writer using sci-Friday tags regularly refreshes / resyncs their 'local' tag list with the above 'master' list. Failing to do this will result in anyone who declines a listing (because of their notifications being flooded) having to repeatedly request multiple publications to remove them. And then do the same for other publications in following weeks. This 'whack-a-mole' problem happened previously, and though this system is a step forward until e.g. hashtags are enabled, it still has gaps reliant on following the defined process and community goodwill.

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Well explained, Johnathan! Without hashtags (thanks a lot, Substack), we're at the mercy of everyone's goodwill and diligence. Horse, water, drink: I can't force folks to use my list or resync regularly. Some folks may want to push their Sci-Friday posts to a more select crowd for whatever reason, and that's their prerogative. I just hope to make life easier for everyone, including those who want the flood of notifications to stop.

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I commend your communal efforts with this, Joshua. The flood might not stop but at least it will be more predictable and largely divertable.

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Add me to the list :-)

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You got it!

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